Chapter History
Fall 2023:
- Welcomed the Psi Pledge Class
- Held our annual Delta Desserts fundraiser for St Jude
- Dance the Madness with AEPi
- Date Party at Backyard
- Semi-Formal at The Greene Turtle
- Celebrate Founders Day with Alum
- Received Gold Chapter Assessment Program (CAP) Status
- Working closely to get the Baltimore Alum chapter back open
Spring 2023
- Chi Pledge Class
- Executive Committee 2023-2024 went to a National Conference (CLC) in Dallas, Texas.
- Received Gold Status in the Chapter Assessment Program (CAP)
- Josie Allshouse, CCP 2022-2023, received Chapter President of the Year
- Jessica Brown, Director of Recruitment Counselors 2022-2023, received Unsung Hero for Panhellenic Association
- Towson University Greek Life Chapter of the Year
- 1st place in Greek Week relay race
- 1st place in Greek Week inflatable race
- Held our annual Delta House of Pancakes (DHOP)
- Date Party at Backyard
- Formal at Mothers in Fed Hill
- Alumni Baltimore Orioles game
- Pansy Brunch/send off for seniors
Fall 2022
- Phi Pledge Class
- Was the only chapter to receive a perfect Chapter Assessment Program (CAP) score of 300.
- Held our annual Delta Desserts
- Dance the Madness with Chi Phi
- Semi-Formal at Banditos
- Date Party at Backyard
- Friendsgiving
- Pansy Brunch/send off for seniors
Spring 2022
- Upsilon Pledge Class
- Executive Committee 2022-2023 went to a National Conference (CLC) in Dallas, Texas.
- Held our annual Delta House of Pancakes (DHOP)
- Maddie Zoll, CCP 2020-2022, received Chapter President of the Year
- Participate in Greek Sing
- Date Party Backyard
- Formal at Rec Room
- Pansy Brunch/send off for seniors
Fall 2021
- Tau Pledge Class
- First semester back in person on Towson University campus due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Held our annual Delta Desserts
- Dance the Madness with Sigma Chi
- Date Party at Backyard
- Semi-formal at the Charles in Fed Hill
- Pansy Brunch/send off for seniors
Spring 2021
- Sigma Pledge Class via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Held a facial night via Zoom where members were sent facial packages due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Formal via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic where members were sent records to record together
- Executive Committee 2020-2022 went to a National Conference (CLC) via Zoom
Spring 2016
- Highest sorority GPA
- Perfect Chapter Assessment Program
- Social with Sigma Alpha Epsilon
- Kappa Pledge Class - (41 Sisters)
- 2nd Place Greek Week
- 4th Place Greek Sing
- Towson University Greek Life Chapter of the Year
Fall 2015
- Delta Dogs with Delta Sig
- Dance the Madness with Delta Sig (Game Over themed)
- 3rd Place in homecoming week
- USO Trip
- Sisterhood Spa Night
- Date Party
- USO Trip with ZBT
- Delta Desserts - Raised $7,452.75 - almost 500 dollars over our goal!!
- Ugly Holiday Sweater Ice Skating with ZBT
- Semi Formal
Spring 2015
- Iota pledge class (48 sisters)
- 5th birthday
- Gift Wrapped Big/Little Reveal
- Sincerely, Yours
- Delta Sigma Phi Social
- USO Trip
- Third Place in Pike’s Fireman’s Challenge
- First place in Tri Delta Circus Greek sing
- Outstanding Educational Program (TU Greek Life)
- Outstanding Philanthropy Program (TU Greek Life)
- Under the Sea formal
- Pansy Brunch
- Highest Chapter Assessment Scores (CAP) for sororities
Fall 2014
- Sisterhood Roller Skating
- Alumni O’s Game
- Homecoming with Lambda Chi
- Sisterhood retreat at Barn
- 2nd place in Homecoming
- Caitlyn Boyle from Operation Beautiful speaks for Fat Talk Free Week
- Preps and Punks Dance the Madness with Lambda Chi
- Sweet Dreams are Made of D’s Fall Open House
- Halloween social with Sigma Alpha Epsilon
- Carnival themed Delta Desserts
- Wall street social with Sammy
- NFL themed semi-formal
Spring 2014
- Theta pledge class (50 sisters); biggest pledge class for TU Greek life
- 4th birthday
- Tigerthon with Sigma Alpha Mu
- Sincerely, Yours
- Puzzle Piece Big/Little Reveal
- USO Trip
- 90’s social with Lambda Chi
- St. Jude Hope in the Harbor
- Millennial Women Greek Sing
- Most Improved Chapter Award (TU Greek Life)
- Outstanding Educational Program (TU Greek Life)
- Masquerade themed formal
- Pansy Brunch
Fall 2013
- Raised $18,000 for St. Jude
- Homecoming with AEPi
- Sisterhood Retreat
Spring 2013
- Eta pledge class (25 sisters)
- Cars Big/Little Reveal
- 3rd birthday
- Sincerely, Yours
- British Invasion Greek sing
- Most Improved Chapter Award (St. Jude)
- Top Fundraiser for Pike’s Fireman’s Challenge
- Outstanding Educational Program Award (TU Greek Life)
- Pansy Brunch
- Tigerthon with Theta Chi
Fall 2012
- Zeta pledge class (13 sisters)
- Matching Socks Big/Little Reveal
- Sisterhood Event Pumpkin Patch
- High School Cliques Social
- Delta Desserts
- St. Jude Gives Thanks Walk
- Army Navy Social
- Winner of Panhel’s Circle of Sisterhood Week
Spring 2012
- Epsilon pledge class (21 sisters)
- Clues Big/Little Reveal
- 2nd birthday
- Outstanding Service Project Award (TU Greek Life)
- Pansy Brunch
- Second Place in Greek Week
- Pirates Greek Sing
- Tigerthon with AEPI
- Superhero social
Fall 2011
- Delta pledge class (8 sisters)
- Guess Who Big/Little Reveal
- Delta Desserts
Spring 2011
- 1st birthday
- Sincerely, Yours event for St. Jude with TKE
- USO trip to welcome home the troops
- Family Field Day sisterhood event
- WPOC St. Jude call-a-thon
- Mardis Gras social with SAE
- Summer of Love social with Lambda Chi Alpha
- Most Improved Chapter Award (TU Greek Life)
- Pansy Brunch
- Greek Sing-Channel Surfing
- First Spring Formal
Fall 2010
- Gamma pledge class (32 sisters)
- Big/Little Reveal Wrapped up as presents with clues in PTUX
- Collaboration with counseling center for campus-wide Fat Talk Free Week event
- Delta House of Pancakes (DHOP) for St. Jude
- Pumpkin picking sisterhood event
- 80’s wedding social with TKE
- First Annual Delta Desserts
- Founders Day
Spring 2010
- Delta Sig 50 States Social (not sure if that’s a faux pa :)
- Feb. 27th 2010 67 Alpha’s initiated and presentation of Charter
- Beta Class (18 sisters)
- Trip to the aquarium and lunch at the Hardrock Cafe sisterhood event
Fall 2009
- Tri Delta came to Towson’s campus
- After interviews, we recruited 81 Alphas
- Alpha Bid Day Sept. 21 on Paws Patio
- Third place in Homecoming Week
- First Place in Sandwich Board Painting Competition
- Placed top three for Change for Change-Colleen Hanley would remember what place. She organized.
- Ice skating social with Pike
- Crush party
- Phi Mu & ZBT Fratz at Bat Champs
- Holiday Sweater party
- Puzzle piece Big/Little Reveal